Friday, December 7, 2007


here is article that Piper wrote in 1980 about God being a one of wrath. just for all of those comments on that last one.

read it.

Also, i am looking for cars online and it is awful! Maybe i won't be one after all, dang...

So this morning i needed to be at fort miller mddle school and i couldn't find my scooter key. i was flipping out looking everywhere, by the time i gave up searching the apartment, it was 7:48. the school bell would ring in 7 min. so i was going to ride my bike there but its like 3.5 miles, so i thought i would ask one of my house mates if they could help me out. sure enough, megan decided she would drop me off at work. when i got there it was 5 min passed the bell, so i can't even imagine how late i would have been if i had rode my bike. I got some stares in the office (probably b/c what i was wearing is just my normal day to day clothes, v-neck, jeans, slip ons, army jacked) and i was super blessed by megan showing me some community and helping me out. so i think i will take the bus home b/c a lot of the students told me which one to take to go downtown. it should be fun. anyways, lesson, is to help those out in binds b/c it is very much appreciated. The rain is beautiful and so are You. ::All Praise Be To God::


Anonymous said...

Do you need a car Bryan?

Anonymous said...

mmhmm, helping is a very good thing.

living without a car has taught me the value of interdependency - but it's certainly not always a pleasant lesson...

at the well a few days ago there was definitely a plug for the thrift project - bags should be coming!

Barry said...

Our culture has made it very difficult to live without a car but if you can pull it off, the planet will love you.

And I still can't decide which is worse...not having a car to depend on or having one that betrays my trust occasionally and requires beaucoups of $ to keep it dependable.

Or...which is better...the car freedom of going where ever when ever not matter how far or the no-car freedom of no maintenance, no repairs, no liability and having someone else drive the bus so I can read or relax.

On a darker note, i just read the Piper article. I had to smile at the very last line on bottom of the page...

Filed under: Hell

That's where I would file it too.

For an alternative (and personally much more satisfying) view of hell and judgment, try reading or re-reading Brian McLaren's "The Last Word and the Word After That", esp. chapters 6 & 13.

In my understanding, biblical fire has more to do with purifying than with punishment. Wheat and chaff come from the same stalk which means I have both in me. I just hope that my faith in the way of Jesus prepares me to face the cleansing and refining fire of God's judgment and that there's still plenty of the golden me left for God to embrace (1 Cor 3.10-15).

Anonymous said...

I recommend a 1985 BMW.

Unknown said...

yeah tristan??? you have been blessed my friend but i am not sure everyone gets as lucky as you. how many miles you got on there??? well i am going to keep postponing buying a car until i HAVE to. b/c i am doing just fine for the mean time but things in my life may be pickin up. i am driving beth eckloffs car right and it is a 90' corolla that has like 178k but runs like a freakin champ! i wish it was mine!