Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Community X mas

This x mas eve i went out to my mom's families x mas whcih was in Visalia California. I am not always really really excited to go but usually do b/c my mom likes me being there. It is a rather new family b/c my mom was adopted and her biological father contacted her about 6 years ago, so it can be just different usually. However i think that there is some great and exciting ideas/projects/things that they participate in that we normally don't.

For example, most of their x mas gifts tend to be gifts that are very creative and community centered in which my x-tian family doesn't do. (by the way they arn't practicing x-tians which is just different from the rest of my church going family) B/c there are so many people in the large family they can't afford to purchase extravangant fits so for this year they gave everyone "wha-dinger sticks" which are long wooden sticks that have a fat end on the tip in which you place a uncooked bisquit on and spread really thin and cook over a open fire which leaves you with a cup of cooked dough which can handle all sorts of dessert items such as pudding or whipped cream or fruit topping. So basically after dinner we all roasted our bisquits together and had dessert. and their desire would be for us to take these camping w/ us and use them as alternatives to s'mores or in addition to. I thought that it was a brilliant thing to share w/ us all and was unique b/c g pa did it when he use to ditch class when he went to school. They also made simple bird houses for all of the families to enjoy.

So i think that it was a great x mas eve and wherever you are there are things and lesson to learn.

I gave fair trade coffee to my family and framed pics of some of my south african travels as well as my europe adventures and i think that they really enjoyed it.
tomorrow i am off to find and buy myself a car so i hope that that goes better than last time and that it will all work out nicely.

If ever you come near i'll hold up high a mirror, Lord I could never show you anything as beautiful as you ---mewithoutYou


I'm Kelsie said...

Nothin like a good grandpappi story about the old days of cookin' bisquits and widdling birdhouses. Glad to hear your eks-mas was to your liking!

jordan wiebe said...

good christmas. good lord. goodness i need to see you.

Anonymous said...

wha-dinger sticks - sounds like something out of tom sawyer. and i do love tom sawyer...
that's awesome that NOT going the extravagant route leads to so much more family love interaction, what xmas should be anyway.

didn't see you much yesterday - hope you enjoyed footloose! but a, the big lebowski left my dad and me completely baffled, and i suppose there's a slight chance i might try it again... b, you should listen to some sonny votolato's blue checkered record player... and c, you still need to see my tree!

happy january 3rd