So, through this experience in the Pink House i have had many dreams and visions that i would love to see happen. First of all, i do not know who is reading this or if it is just my friends that have blogs (ie; jordan, andrew, gene, that may be it) but i live in the pink house ( Because the house isn't really physically located in the nearby community i tend to discourage myself about being active in it. It just takes a lot more intentionality and i find myself thinking its too big too handle.
What i have learned through others in the house specifically my roomate Yasser is that i need to make it happen. Because i would prefer to start getting more involved w/ someone else (whcih is possible if i just ask) i need to start on it myself. Gaining passion for action will eventually stream out and hopefully encourage others. A perfect exmple of something like this would be wanting to live a more 'green' life. I can talk about it all i want and come down on people who arn't but i need to be practicing it and help inform others about it. By growing in what you are about then it will spread to others who are near and around you. And if not then i guess it will be something that you will learn on your own and will be a great experience. These are the thoughts currently through my mind. It kinda of ties into what was written on jordan's blog as well check it out (
On a side note i had a very interesting occurence at the breakfast table. I opened up my cinnamon toast crunch for the first time today and began eating it. as i was eating i noticed that it wasn't as sweet as normal and it just didn't taste right. i thought i was crazy but then looked at the box and realized that it was reduced sugar and i totally didn't notice when i bought it. who the hell wants cinnamon toast crunch w/ less sugar???? not me!!!! but i ate it and it filled me up and there was ultimate satisfaction in my stomach. Then i made a pb and j sandwich for lunch and the pb seemed to have a differenct consistency. once again i looked at the container low and behold 25% less sugar!!!! can u believe that. However in this case i feel as though i have no reason to complain b/c it was one of my room mates peanut butter containers. soo....that has been my day and the absence of sugar in my life. i am excited for my lunch b/c i have some great fruit from the farmers market....i love you all. jordan and i are goign to San Luis Obispo to see Rocky Votolato play and i cant wait!!!! ol' pacific here we come!