Monday, October 22, 2007

A Thought on my work.

So, currently i am sitting in my science class which i will be substituting. And the bell just rang. But anyways, i am thinking that this isn't a very challenging job most of the time. Usually the things that i chose to invest my time in arn't always this easy so it makes me wonder if this is something that i should be doing 40 hours a week. There is a lot of enjoyment that i get out of substituting but that tends to be with the younger kids in elementary school (and isn't as easy as doing middle school OR high school). Interacting with them and seeing how they respond to certain projects makes me laugh. Not to mention the beautiful pictures that i end up taking home!!! But i want to get into high school because this is less this wrong? I am not sure, probably not. I think that i am not in substituting because i am going to change these kids lives, because there is no time for that (on the big scheme of things) but who knows what can be done in 1 hr.

Well i suppose that the answer to this may lie in my response to how i view each day of work and what i want to accomplish. As the ol' Saint Paul says in Col. "whatever you do, do to the glory of God" -amen

1 comment:

jordan wiebe said...

old st. john said alot of things 'we're just waiting for a pardon'