Sunday, September 7, 2008

life is toooo good

Things are a cooking here in Fresno. I want to just post a little bit about my life currently. This week is exciting for the Thrift Store b/c i recently got the store on Fresno City College's Work Study Program, which means that kids at the college who have financial aid to work can come to the store and work 15 hrs a week and the state will pay them. I posted the job and within 2 days i got a total of 18 applications! God is good, free labor and a chance to free Garth and myself up to get things rolling w/ the community! I am a little anxious about it all b/c now we have to interview people and find jobs for them to do. It is a great step and i am excited to see the new life that we can bring into the store. We have a lot of great community outreach ideas, such as creating our own currency for the local kids programs to promote good behavior/good academics and in the process get our name out there a bit more. Trying to serve the community in new ways is our mindset and i think this is a great step for us.

I also had a spontaneous opportunity to go to Shaver Lake w/ Andrew and Denise for Saturday night. He invited Kim and i up to hang out and enjoy Denises grandmas house that is unbelievable. we played an intense game of monopoly (i missed you dave) and watched too many seinfelds. Life is good. hope that you are all well. love bryan


Jaclyn Marina said...

so wonderful to hear! i'm so excited for you! we must talk soon!

BK said...

SO good to see you the other day on campus! You better believe I'm spreading the word to students about opportunities to volunteer at the Thrift Store! You are doing great things for the Kingdom Bryan...!

Dave Franz said...

i take back my remark. i'd could go for a game of monopoly right now... and some seinfeld. I was going to watch it one day, but the power went out. :(