Saturday, January 24, 2009

Life Update

Update on Life 1/09

Hallelujah. Who am I? I am constantly brought to this question in wondering why it is that God has given me all that he has.

1) A wonderful lady that is by my side to be married to me in May
2) Two great friends to run a thrift store with.
3) A brother and sister who live within a mile of me who I get to work with and be blessed with.
4) A terrific roommate to live with in a neighborhood in which we love.
5) A God who lets me be a part of what he is doing in Fresno.

I feel lately that I want to be much more introspective in this season of life. What does God want of me and how have my previous experiences formed who I am now. I am much more of a verbal processor and have learned this in living with Ivan. Challenging questions don’t seem to let up from me when someone asks me something I feel like I know but don’t really. Being challenged in different situations and staying away from the routine is what helps me thrive on a weekly/daily basis. Staying challenged helps me to think about how much actions and my heart are entwined and support each other (because they don’t always seem to do that).

Life is moving right along with the store doing great and expansion hopefully on the near future. Every week we are constantly learning more and growing as a team, that seems to manifest itself in many different ways (relationally with customers and volunteers, and financially). Marriage is coming soon and it can not come quicker, although I know we have a short engagement Kim has gotten most of it figured out w/ a bit of my assistance in that area. The date is May 2nd and if you think that you are invited you should plan on being there! Kim continues to blow my mind and reminds me that I am a very lucky man to belong to such a great girl. Hope that this post finds you well.


1 comment:

Jaclyn Marina said...

Glad to hear such a cheerful and thankful blog bfeil. : ) What a great and merciful God we have, with all the blessings He's bestowed on his children!