Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hello all,

Here is a little recap of what my life has been like the past week. So we started off on the tour really excited b/c we had just bought a sweet van the day before the show! so all loaded up in the van we head off the Orange County to play in Upland CA. It was a great show, on the way there we picked up some shirts for the tour and made it to the show a little late and played after the band that was playing when we got there. It was a little rough as far as my playing went. I didn't do awful but not my best for sure. So loaded w/ snacks from Chad's financee we hit the road we a little bit of money in our pockets from the last show's merch that was sold. We make it to San Francisco, which is just down pouring rain all over us. (at this time we had terrible windshield whippers) then we play at a place called 'the bike kitchen'. It was just that, a place where people bring their bikes and get them fixed. it was a sweet little community joint where we met some great people. And the bands that we were to travel w/ up the west coast. (Jet Lag Gemini, and Weatherbox) so we had another great show and head off to Sacremento to stay with my Uncle and his terrific family. THey were a true blessing to us, as they fed us and gave us terrific beds to sleep in. We chilled w/ them all sunday and watched Tom Petty win the superbowl there. then headed to the show where lakes drove out. there were very little people there, which made for a huge bummer of a show. but we brushed it off and drove up to Portland the next day and it made for a real long one. In portland we have stayed w/ Jacob White he is amazing. on tuesday we just chilled out w/ some great friends and tooled around the city during the afternoon. On wednesday we slept till noon and then left for Seattle to beat the traffic. the show there when alright. not tons of people but not too bad. it was for sure my best performance as i think i nailed it. but didn't go so hot for everyone else. so that brings us pretty much to now, we are really excited for the show tonight in Portland. there should be all of the crew from here at the show so it will be a blast. Jacob is also having an after party for everyone to get together and have a great time. THen tomorrow we head back to bakersfield. and will get in late and then play the show on saturday night. that will be another exciting show. most of our friends/family will be there.

I have been having a really great time. Although you imagine it being one way, it is usually not what is expected. Eating off of giftcards to save money and then getting peanut butter and jelly and eating it in the van is not the rock and roll lifestyle, is sure is a hell of a lot of fun too. i will have to write more on it later, but i just wanted to let you guys know how everything is going for sure. I am doing very well and super excited for this opportunity. i would love to be able to continue this for a while. although it is not the most lucrative step its all good!!!! god is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucrative is not for the rock and roll inclined. i'm glad that doesn't stop you. how are you such a stud anyway?

the bike kitchen?!? why don't i have one of those?

i am giddy about saturday.