Thursday, November 15, 2007

John 9

Today i have been listening to Matt Pond PA's new album and it is great, i have also been compiling a list of interesting things that i am going to start researching. I would be awesome to really really research them. A few things are; shooting stars, the beatles, the kingdom of jesus, LA city riots, i think just things i should maybe know more about already but its never too late to start.
In my bible study, this morning we discussed John 9. It is the story of Jesus healing a blind man but spitting in mud and having him wash in a certain fountain to restore his sight. Brother Thomas discussed how the very beginning starts off and kind of how peculiar this is. The disciples ask Jesus whether he is blind b/c of his sin or his parents. As usual Jesus responds w/ an answer which isn't either one of those in the questions. He states that he is blind so that the work of God will be shown. The answer is much bigger than just a matter of fact statement. I suppose there are many ideas to discuss about just this section of the story. My mind resides on the fact that we just don't comprehend the right questions to ask. I think that more that we can put ourselves in the kingdom perspective of discovering 'how is God going to restore shalom to this situation' we may be closer to this. i love learning about perspectives like this and was proud of my brother Thomas for questioning this part of the chapter when my mind was totally on another part.Then at the end of the chapter Jesus comes down on the judgments of the pharisees
41Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. this is probably a bigger statement than i realize. what do u think?


jordan wiebe said...

i thought brother thomas was a guy in the bible. then i realized it was tommy. good stuff.

Anonymous said...

jesus leaves a lot of things unanswered... somehow that restores the mystery and beauty of who god is even more.

i think it's rad how jesus gives the man purpose in living, purpose in being blind - where in society he'd be ridiculed, jesus says that he was created differently, so that "the work of god would be displayed."

instead of blind uselessness, this man is transformed into a canvas. maybe?