So lets so, where am i these days you may ask? i had a terrific last week or so. The Pink House had a retreat to the Minturns House which was about 1.5 miles away. which made for a great weeekend but, not like the usual retreat that we would have anticpated. maybe being in the snow or something like that. But...we did a sweet photo scavenger hunt on friday night, driving around downtown and taking funny pictures w/ random people (basically felt like we were back in youth group) but fun nonetheless. The weekend was spent hanging out w/ each other. playing worship, jenny played the cello and beth the violin and me the acoustic guitar and i think that it sounded spectaular. IT was filled w/ terrific food from my roommate Nathaniel preparing it all, and just great time spent together.
As soon as i was home from the retreat i left to go to bakersfield to pracitice w/ Chad and Jason for the upcoming tour. We practiced sunday-mon-tuesday and i made it back to fresno in time for my weekly Pink HOuse meeting. Pracitce went very well, we just played the set over and over again, and needless to say i think that it will sound great.
Life has been filled lately w/ a lot of teachers going through the bible and stories that i have always known but great to hear w/ new perspective. Its funny how the same story will come from 2 or 3 different people in the matter of a week. The story that is in my mind of Peter in Acts 10 when he has a vision about basically reconciling the Jew and Gentile. I am also currently reading Randy White's book "encountering God in the city" and he discusses the same story. It is powerful in how important it was for Peter to do this and to get it right for the foundation of the church. Yet currently we do intend to get it right but it never always happens. WEll whatever, that is just what is on my mind. check it out
I am really excited to go play some shows with Stepsonday it should be quite the adventure, as we don't know what vehicle we are going to be driving and we leave in 2 days. I am sure that it will all work out, and i pray that God allows them to buy a van soon! Life is really just moving right along with little time to be stagnant. I need to discover some alone time during the next ten days and allow God to speak.