Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You Know...

So lets so, where am i these days you may ask? i had a terrific last week or so. The Pink House had a retreat to the Minturns House which was about 1.5 miles away. which made for a great weeekend but, not like the usual retreat that we would have anticpated. maybe being in the snow or something like that. But...we did a sweet photo scavenger hunt on friday night, driving around downtown and taking funny pictures w/ random people (basically felt like we were back in youth group) but fun nonetheless. The weekend was spent hanging out w/ each other. playing worship, jenny played the cello and beth the violin and me the acoustic guitar and i think that it sounded spectaular. IT was filled w/ terrific food from my roommate Nathaniel preparing it all, and just great time spent together.
As soon as i was home from the retreat i left to go to bakersfield to pracitice w/ Chad and Jason for the upcoming tour. We practiced sunday-mon-tuesday and i made it back to fresno in time for my weekly Pink HOuse meeting. Pracitce went very well, we just played the set over and over again, and needless to say i think that it will sound great.
Life has been filled lately w/ a lot of teachers going through the bible and stories that i have always known but great to hear w/ new perspective. Its funny how the same story will come from 2 or 3 different people in the matter of a week. The story that is in my mind of Peter in Acts 10 when he has a vision about basically reconciling the Jew and Gentile. I am also currently reading Randy White's book "encountering God in the city" and he discusses the same story. It is powerful in how important it was for Peter to do this and to get it right for the foundation of the church. Yet currently we do intend to get it right but it never always happens. WEll whatever, that is just what is on my mind. check it out

I am really excited to go play some shows with Stepsonday it should be quite the adventure, as we don't know what vehicle we are going to be driving and we leave in 2 days. I am sure that it will all work out, and i pray that God allows them to buy a van soon! Life is really just moving right along with little time to be stagnant. I need to discover some alone time during the next ten days and allow God to speak.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My friend Jesus

Let me set the scene for you. Winchell Elementary, located at orange and kings canyon, kindergarten, 20 students. I had an aide in the class for the first part but then was on my own after lunch which was only 2 and half hours remaining after break. I set up some activities for them to do. you know, cutting and glueing stuff to match and what not, but nothing is going smooth. the lesson plans state that if i want to for 30 min, i can either put on a 'educational video' or take them out to the playground. After pondering these options, i swing for both. After the movie, i read them a story and then tell them that if they behave i will take them to the playground (knowing that regardless, i would take them to the playground).

When we get out there, the kids are having a blast. I am just patrolling the jungle gym like a standard teacher, walking around a bit. Then this great little kid named 'jesus' comes up to me and proclaims

"I challenge be a kid again!"

i reply "i accept your challenge"

Jesus 'Ok. follow me for your first challenge!" (this is a kindergartner mind you)

Se walk around the playground going down the slides, and as all the rest of kids see me playing, they run and scream over at me and literally chanting

"Go teacher Go!"
"Go teacher Go!"

It was awesome. so there are basically like 5 challenges of just fun things on the jungle gym that he wants me to particpate in. Most of the other kids are just following and going down the slides after me. and just saying 'hey teacher. watch me do this' just wanting me to share in the excitement and give them my approval.

The final challenge was having to dig a hole in the sandbox. I thought to myself, 'man then i am going to get my hands all sandy and dirty' but i figured, that is exactly why he is challenging me to be a kid again. So i dug and he finally gave me his approval. The playground ended w/ Jesus telling me that tomorrows challenge is going to be a HUGE sandcastle. When i informed him that i wouldn't be back he got a little sad but soon carried on with his playing. It was a spectacular day and i had a blast with the kids after all. I heard the statement numerous times that 'teacher your the best ever!" which isn't the most unheard of thing for kindergartner's to say but still touching nonetheless. It turned out to be a highlight in subbing for younger kids, and a very memorable experience.

So moral of the story...sometimes we need to just become kids again, and lighten up and have a blast. Even if it doesn't make sense because we might get a little dirty. Jesus just wanting me to partake in his enjoyment of the playground. And i am glad that he did.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spanish Man

A photo i found in my library of a man in Barcelona, Spain. We lacked quite a bit of understanding. But he let me take his photo

You can buy happiness?!?!

This is a very interesting article about how when we spend more money on an item (this example was wine) that the more that we think that it is worth or purchased for will make us think that it is better. It was tested w/ telling people that there is a 90 dollar bottle of wine and their mind reacted much differently w/ more excitement than if it was only 2 dollars. (even if it was the 2 dollar). SO the idea is that the more that we spend on items the more exciting it will be thus the more happiness we will have. God helps us all! i am guilty of this in many ways too. although it is usually not my money...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Genesis 28

15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it." 17 He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."

Just a thought about how i desire to see the Lord in all things. But only in the obvious do i acknowledge it. There is a ways to go.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I would just love to inform you all of my roommate Ivan coming home and joining w/ the house again. The first time that i saw him back, i had just arrived home at the house from work. I saw a lucia's friend april's car so i just went into lucia's apt. and when i entered i heard a male's voice. When i finally recognized it, i was completely speechless. I was looking at him w/ very little words to say because although i knew he had the possiblity of being home soon, i didn't know when it would be though. It was amazing to see him although i had such a lack of words to say.
We had some great discussion at 1 am this morning and i look forward to connecting w/ him the rest of the Pink House. We discussed the search that everyone is on and how music and culture fit into all of that. How music in our generation and the themes that are discussed are unique to the generation that is current. It is a intriguing thought and conversation to have. Ivan is a great listener and speaker...

On another note, i just had a great conversation with a kid who is a sophmore at Edison High School. Last time i subbed for him i butted in on a religious conversation about the search for God and it turned out to be a great discussion. This kid Jose' is confused and searching and challenging himself with thoughts about Who created God, if God created man. Also the age old question of what and where is heaven and hell, as well as why does everybody say that everyone elses religion is wrong. It was great to take with him and share my thoughts on the bible and how i see these things. Also to tell him that i am in a similar boat w/ the issues but to keep on looking and challenging himself in this.

I hope that you day is going well, i am excited for the Delta Spirit, Lakes, Sparrows gate show in San Luis tonight. Good times will be had, hopfeully a dip in the ocean as well. Cheers!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ok, I have all this time during the day while i am substituting and need ideas on what i can do either online, or just quietly at a desk for many hours everyday!?! I am terribly bored w/ the internet, and i feel as if i can only read for so long. Any help would be appreciated. also i think that my roommate may be coming home today and am pretty dang excited about it.

Another sweet anouncement is that i will be going on tour playing bass with a terrific rock band called Stepsonday in early february. CHeck out their music at it should be a sweet little west coast tour from LA to Seattle. This super exciting for me as i have dreamed of such an opportunity for sometime. Check out the dates, and if you can make it to any of them, it would be grand

Dicotomy of Decisions

It seems as the older i get and the more freedom that i get, the more opportunities come around. There are so many great opportunities in front of me and the options are endless. It is hard to try to know with which one (or even ones) i want to go with but i think that life usually pans out and is enjoyable regardless. The hard decisions for me to make is whether it is best to try and work out multiple options or just stick with one and go balls to the wall with it. Or maybe the decision needs to be put more in Gods hands than mine. I know that ultimately it is his choice for a
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9" But, how do we decide when we feel that he has given us several choices and the decision just needs to be made? maybe this is over dramatic, but whatev. When many choices are good then it is just a win win situation right? Life is good and God is good.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The New Year is Upon Us!

There are some things i want to accomplish this year:

Read as many books/articles as i can
Learn more about myself
Eat a little better
Play more music
Go on a lot of out of town trips
Go to places i usually don't
Relax at home more often
Listen to more mewithoutYou
Not eat out so much
Only shop at thrift stores
Be more conscious about purchases made
See God in everything
Drink less soda
Look forward to new releases (music)
Research interests
Spend more time w/ Family
Meet more friends
Get better at photography (give away pictures)

more to come....

Here is a video from South Africa, it is our friend Phil who told me a story once about kicking items. Watch for yourself. Good times. He really meant a lot to us and this will always hold a dear place in my heart. Make sure and focus on laura's reaction after the first kick. Feel free to check out the other videos i have put on Youtube on my link on the left

Monday, January 7, 2008

Scripture and Other

Last night i was reading Genesis 6. Have a read for yourself.

The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. 7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them." 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD

I main question that i was struck with after reading this passage was "why did noah find favor with the Lord" he was about to wipe the ENTIRE earth out but found one human who was worthy to carry on the generation of human existance. This seems as if Noah must have been a pretty legit man and had someting that not many did. I want to know what it was that Noah had going for him before all of this happened and how i can become something of that.

Last night i went to the Hofbrau with a few friends b/c it was Jon Moritz's b-day. It was an absolutely smashing time, enjoy a few beers and some great company at a fine location. I feel as though it is a much more beautiful way to enjoy alcoholic beverages with friends when it is limited and in moderation. I may not have done such a great job of this in the recent past but look forward to the future. It is just a beautiful thing.

I am at a middle school today substituting and started out the day but not leaving until i absolutely had to and then on the way to work was thinking 'i should really give myself so extra time to get to work' and low and behold i was stopped by an extremely slow moving train on butler avenue. it tested my patience a little bit but everything ended up ok. It was a long train and slowed down as it passed not sped up. I usually have a hard time in these circumstances but am learning what to do when there is nothing you can do. I think it is just try to make the best of the situation and let go b/c there isn't anything i can do about it. So what did i do you might ask??? I selected a song on my ipod from a guilty pleasure group. There are called paramore and have a couple of excellent songs "hallelujah" and "misery business" They are super duper poppy but write catchy songs that i enjoy. (What have i become.....) Plus the singer is especially cute check out one of these two songs if you have the time. So n e ways i am doing jr. high and it is not going to be easy, i really don't enjoy jr high b/c they are old enough that they don't give much affection or sincerity and not easy to deal w/ like high school. but i thought that on the week back from vacation i should take whatever i can get b/c i just really need to work. fund s are low

Also i recently just purchased a new truck so i am very excited. It is actually used but a great ride. I may possibly post a picture but probably not. It is a blessing and i am very stoked to have it. i just can't believe this is my seventh car.... dang it. Well, i hope that this isn't too long of a journal. Let me know your thoughts, questions, concerns, input. All praise be the God!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I was invited to the third annual dinnerfest which was a blast and was at the Whitehouse. We had an amazing dinner and played some sweet games such as catch phrase and big booty (which i had never heard of yet played). I took some sweet pictures and i hope that you enjoy them. Those who were there were Kim, Sarah, Ashley, Tyler, Tim, Jameson, Paul, and Jessica.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Footloose. Incredible. more to come. my battery is dying