Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ok, I have all this time during the day while i am substituting and need ideas on what i can do either online, or just quietly at a desk for many hours everyday!?! I am terribly bored w/ the internet, and i feel as if i can only read for so long. Any help would be appreciated. also i think that my roommate may be coming home today and am pretty dang excited about it.

Another sweet anouncement is that i will be going on tour playing bass with a terrific rock band called Stepsonday in early february. CHeck out their music at it should be a sweet little west coast tour from LA to Seattle. This super exciting for me as i have dreamed of such an opportunity for sometime. Check out the dates, and if you can make it to any of them, it would be grand


gene pensiero said...

my suggestions:

1. get addicted to your knowledge about things like bands, photography, the pink house, etc.

2. learn origami. pick up a book and some folding paper at borders or something.

3. chart some Bible verses each day. the OIA method developed by dan finfrock ( is a great way to spend your time.

4. blog more

5. write a book...a novel, an expose...why not?

6. write online reviews of products you gear, bass gear, etc.

7. check out missionaries at and pray for them.

things i suggest you don't do:

- don't read the news for hours a day
- don't shop for hours a day
- don't surf myspace for hours a day
- don't just read what other people say about the Bible for hours a day
- don't game for hours a day

hope these get your gears moving.

blessings brother

Paul Davison said...

Other things i'd suggest.

1. Come work for me at the firm I work at, you'll never, ever be bored again.

Anonymous said...

first off, you can never read for too long. i would suggest researching shooting stars.

let me just say that i absolutely love your list of things to accomplish in the new year. i'm looking forward to eating less meat, dancing whenever the mood strikes, pumping up my record collection, singing louder, taking more walks, having lunch with interesting people, loving the middle east, furthering my harmonica skills, doing more yoga, getting on the bicycle daily, learning more about other faiths, and learning to live with spontaneity.

way to be with stepsonday! hopefully i can make the bakersfield or the sf show.

did i tell you i turned in my study abroad app? looks like egypt may be my home for a while...

Anonymous said...

let me know where an when, i will try my damnedest.

Anonymous said...

i also think gene is brilliant

Unknown said...

origami is brillant. i like the wikipedia too! thanks gene

gene pensiero said...

thanks tristan. hope you're doing well.

glad to help bryan. i expect some wikis soon.

also, bryan, congratulations on your bass-adventure.

Jaclyn Marina said...

1.So stepsonaday is uber cool. I'm excited for you!!

2.One thing I did to escape boredom one time during driver's school, was to make a list of all the things that i liked. i.e. rain, flowers, floating down the river... etc. This may be a girlie thing to do, but I won't tell anyone.

3.Visit Sienna I will! This weekend is Florence. I hope that I see you on Gmail again.

Lataz Bryan, I hope you are well!